Congress Venue
Viru Conference Centre
Viru Conference Centre is located on the first floor of Sokos Hotel Viru.
The location at the heart of the city and a wide selection of other services of the Original Sokos Hotel Viru make this one of the most convenient places for organising events. It is conveniently located in the city center right next to the Old Town, a World Heritage Site.
Public transportation stops nearby
Bus: Viru Keskus
Tram: Hobujaama
Trolleybus: Kaubamaja
See the journey planner here.
Read more about free public transport in Tallinn here.
Taxi service
Forus Takso - +372 612 0000 or download their application here
Tallink Takso - Download application here
Parking in front of the hotel (Europark)
Parking can be paid for when commencing the parking period using the meter in front of the hotel. The parking prices are as follows: 1 hour €3.80 and overnight €20.00.
Parking in Viru Centre (Ühisteenused AS)
The car park is situated on the II and III floors of the shopping centre, with the entrance 50 m from the main hotel foyer in the direction of the access road. Accessible 24/7. 24h parking for €19.20. Pre-payments only. You can use the meter at the hotel lobby (no cash) or pay the amount to the hotel reception.